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who we are

We're on a mission for skill development of youths in BIM

BIM is an emerging trend in AEC industry. We at BIMedge offers a complete range of BIM engineering services from concept to commissioning. BIMedge has a strong team of highly skilled professionals who will mentor young architects and engineers to get familiar with BIM work flows and use of some high-end softwares to make them industry ready.

BIMedge also understands & works for the organisation requirements of migrating from conventional engineering approach to industry requirement to make more accurate decisions in design engineering, execution, BOQ calculation, Cost & planning of projects

We are now DPIIT recognized!

Recently we got recognition from, Startup India, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GoI.

Certificate of Recognition

Recently we got recognition from, Startup Odisha, MSME, Government of Odisha.


We provide Engineering Services like Architectural, Structural, Fabrication drawings & more.


We conducts Training program on Building Information Modelling (BIM) courses.

BIM Consulting

We help your organisation making it BIM ready by providing corporate trainings.

Our Learning Partners

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission : Augment skill development efforts by creating an out-come focussed implementation framework, which aligns demands of the employers for a well-trained skilled workforce with aspirations of students for sustainable livelihoods.

Our Vision :

  1. Align industry demand and workforce productivity with trainees’ aspirations for sustainable livelihoods, by creating a framework for outcome focused training.
  2. Ensure sufficient, high quality options for long-term skilling, bench marked to internationally acceptable qualification standards, which will ultimately contribute to the creation of a highly skilled workforce.

See What's Happening Inside

If we had a ‘secret sauce’ it would be our awesome people. We have only professional team!